OK people Autumn is upon us and that means I am on travel! I will be in the cities listed below and will also be in other cities by special request. Remember you can always check my Travel Schedule on my website: http://www.alexisgolden.com/travel.html I only get to most cities ONCE A YEAR at best so make plans to book NOW with Nina. Email Nina at:
Email Nina at BookAlexisGolden@gmail.com and let her know what time works best for you
My first stop is New York. Make sure you get in touch with Nina now!
Upcoming Tour Schedule
Dallas – September 27-29
New York City – October 9-13
Boston – October 13-14
Miami – October 17-19
Tampa/Orlando – October 21-22
Edison, NJ – November 3-6
Charleston, SC – November 14-22
DC – November/December TBA
Vegas – January 17-21
Los Angeles – January 22-26